CFC Youth For Christ - 24th ICON Experience

April 12, 2017

One of the things that I truly thank the Lord is that He has blessed me to be a part of His family through CFC Youth For Christ. Being a YFC is such a blessing for it helped me to be a more God-fearing, sociable, and responsible individual. 

In this particular article, I'll feature my very first YFC International Conference, which took place in Laoag, Ilocos Norte.

What is CFC Youth For Christ?

CFC Youth For Christ is a family ministry of the Couples For Christ Community, which serves to be a community of young people enjoying the value of being young while serving and loving Christ and His Church. CFC-YFC was established way back 1993 together with the other family ministries of CFC. 

YFC celebrates its 24th year through the annual YFC International Conference, where YFCs from all over the globe come to the host province to celebrate God's love and joy in the community.

YFC - ICON: Solid Ground Experience

It is one of my ardent desires as a YFC to attend every conference there is, especially the ICon. And Praise God, He heard my prayer! It's a blessing for me because it would be my first after serving 3 years in YFC. 

  • Day 1:

April 7, 2017 was the first day. It's not that much eventful on the morning so we're able to have our side-trips along Ilocos Norte (See my post Ilocos Escapade 2017).

The event became vibrant and affirming when the afternoon Eucharist and evening program took place. Ilocos Norte Governor Imee Marcos welcomed the YFC Community.

After a short program, the Lord made His presence more felt with the evening worship and the first session. In the worship led by Kuya Sherwin Judicpa, we were reminded that when there are dead-ends and crossroads in our lives, it is the time the Lord will take charge and make the change. 

The first session was entitled "Built on Solid Rock". It's first and foremost that our FAITH is our Solid Ground. Knowing our Faith brings us to be better believers and firm individuals in facing struggles and celebrating victories. And our Faith is being nurtured more through the Church.

The first session ended through an EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament.

The first day ended in a Spirit-filled closing worship by Kuya Patrick Coronel. He affirmed us that we must surrender and trust everything to the Lord. It may be difficult, but it's never impossible for God is the God of the Possible.

Day 1 Highlights:

  • Day 2:
April 8 , 2017 (Saturday) was the second day of ICON. We had the morning worship and workshops / parish encounter. In the morning worship, the Lord told us that He will never lose a battle for us for He has won the race from the very start. 

In the next portion of the conference, I attended the Parish Encounter, wherein we went to our designated Parish, Immaculate Conception Parish in Batac, Ilocos Norte.

In our Parish Encounter, we introduced the YFC life and culture to the ICP Parish Youth Ministry. We taught some YFC songs and we had a household / group discussions, sharing how we'll relate our faith as a Solid Ground in our everyday lives.

Parish Encounter Highlights:

YFC MM South A Delegates

The second session entitled "Squad Goals", given by Tito Mel and Tita Aimee Serrano, tackles that we are missionaries to our own families. It is in the family that we grow in our faith, and our families are also our stronghold and anchor towards being a missionary to other people.

The following image is the personal testimony of one of the sharers:

Tito Jon Viray grew up in the community. He was blessed with a wife, although Tita Dahlia was not capable of bearing a child. One day, Tito Jon's former girlfriend had messaged to him, stating that he has a daughter to her.

Time came that Tito Jon and her daughter knew that they are biologically connected. On the other hand, knowing the situation, Tita Dahlia almost broke up with Tito Jon. But through continuous prayers and understanding, Tita Dahlia accepted Tito Jon's daughter as her own child.

Now, Tita Dahlia is now capable of bearing a child and this just affirms us that our family is our SOLID GROUND for God shows His faithfulness to us through the family.

The third session entitled "ONE TEAM, ONE GOD", given by Kuya Sean Septimo, he focused on the opportunity of having a community wherein our faith is even nurtured and where can we encounter different experiences and people: Making as missionaries sent to spread the joy in the community.

Before the final session ends, we recommitted ourselves to our covenant with God: our YFC Covenant.

In the Praisefest, all around 7,000 YFCs were asked to sign with our names on a white wood, signifying that we are already part of God's team. And in this team, God is the Captain. He'll lead us to every victory in our everyday battles. The Praisefest was led by Kuya Justin Pablo.

Day 2 Highlights:

  • Day 3:
April 9 (Palm Sunday) was the concluding day of the conference. The day started with a Holy Eucharist, celebrating Palm Sunday, in which Christ entered Jerusalem in praises. "Hosanna in the Highest!"

A concluding praisefest culminated the final day, to be led by Kuya Bimbo Yerro. He stated that on our Solid Ground, the Lord wants us to run, like a child running to His father. The most Spirit-filled and inspiring part was, when the woods used for the signing of names were conjoined: Ending with a Cross. Everyone took the shoulders of another, signifying that the love from the Cross flows within us and we are not alone on our mission.

My first YFC ICON would not be great and meaningful as it is without these people:

YFC MM South A Delegates
  • YFC MM SA7 Delegates


The Lord is really great for He has affirmed me that I'm always on His Solid Ground: Founded in Faith, and bounded in love and communion.

That's the next step on water. Walk in Faith. Start the Mission.

Photo Acknowledgements:
  • Ate Tethresh Grace Garcia
  • Ate Zayin Garcia
  • Kuya Jeremy Tuico
  • Kuya Joshua Padua
  • CFC Youth For Christ Official FB Page

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