WrestleMania Fever

March 30, 2017

Whenever March or April approaches, there's some excitement that I always feel. Some like a thrill ride's going to happen. Oh, indeed. It's because another edition of WrestleMania is about to unfold. 

Oh, yes, I know. Most of the matches are scripted but it's about the showcase of sports-entertainment that always make me feel excited about this.

Let me give you some important points why I still have that kilig factor in watching The Grandest Stage of Them All.

1.) The Stage / Arena

Every WrestleMania has its own concept of stage based on the prestige or the venue of the event. I think the staging is one of the cornerstones of the SuperBowl of Sports-Entertainment to really make it a once in a year (or even a lifetime event for every one). You will just be simply amazed and left staring.

2. The storylines / The superstars involved

If there's a show, there must be actors of course. Some storylines, though, are not really that necessary but some (mostly before or if a legend is concerned / there's a plot twist) are just really great and exciting to watch. For over many years, superstars became legends, icons, pioneers, and definitions of the business, and WrestleMania anchored their defining moments and life-changing courses. From Andre the Giant to Shawn Michaels to The Rock to Cena, generations to generations were seasoned in The Showcase of the Immortals.

Speaking of immortality, don't you know that?..... uhmmmm

Yah, okay I'll admit it. That 21-0 undefeated Streak just lost. But yet, it will never be replicated.

LATEST UPDATE: The Undertaker is 23-2 now at WrestleMania, an unprecendented record. He lost to Roman Reigns in the latest edition of 'Mania.

Here are some highlights from some superstars:

3. The Road to WrestleMania

WrestleMania is the SuperBowl of Sports-Entertainment so there's no doubt that championship matches are prerequisites for this event to happen. The Road to WrestleMania starts at the annual Royal Rumble Match (hmm sounds familiar right?). The winner gains the ticket for the Main, Championship event at WrestleMania! Wow! Then, storylines and rivalries are going to their climax 'til they meet at WrestleMania. 

Oh yes, I don't need to explain this further. By directly reading the name of this segment, you know what this is.

4. If there's WrestleMania, there's a Raw after WrestleMania!

As far as I am concerned, every WrestleMania is quite of a bit, short or bitin. So, the Raw after WrestleMania is like the bagoong for the kare-kare. The Raw after WrestleMania sometimes concludes or even intensifies some matches or storylines prior the show. Example, there were championship matches on a Raw after WM (taking risk of the reign of a newly-crowned champion for some instance). Also, some Raw after 'Mania is the way to bid farewell to the WWE Universe (such in the case of Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels). Or, like Rock vs. Cena WM 28 match, the Raw after 'Mania makes new rivalries and storylines. 

Here's one example:

5. The Undertaker's 21-0 Undefeated WrestleMania Streak

Simply watch the GIF first before proceeding, okay?

No doubt that you've kinda' got that feeling of fear or curiousness or awe on watching the previous GIF. Yes, awe. Why? It's THE Undertaker (I want to emphasize "THE"). For over two decades, he attended WrestleMania more than any other superstar. Can you even imagine that? He's been one of the foundations of WrestleMania, and that 21-0 Undefeated Streak? Oh yeah, just pure respect. 

Of course, all good things come to an end. 

Look at the reactions. Just as quick as that. A record that had been taken care for two decades fades for just three counts? Oh, how bitter is it right? But still, RESPECT. No one could ever think of replicating such greatness like what The Undertaker had been through for 25 WrestleManias (23-2), and the bell tolled its last for him in WrestleMania 33.

6. The Grandest Victories of Them All!

Winning a championship at WrestleMania, I think if you're the winner, will be your cloud-9 moment of your career. Imagine yourself hoisting a world title in front of 70,000 people or more. It is a frightening moment. Championships define how resilient and firm you are in winning and beating "The Man". as the 16-time World Champion Ric Flair said, "To be 'The' Man, you have to beat "The Man." And that's nothing but true. And for every superstar who has that ticket to win a championship, WrestleMania is the perfect venue to fight for it and take home it!

Some notable championship winnings at WrestleMania:

  • Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 12)

"The boyhood dream has come true!" - Vince McMahon on HBK

  • John Cena (WrestleMania 29)
"Cena achieves redemption!" - Michael Cole on Cena

  • Daniel Bryan (WrestleMania 30)

"The impossible dream has become a reality!" - Michael Cole on Bryan

6. Heartbreaking farewells

Sweetest victories? Yes. How about farewells? Yes too! Saying goodbye to the WWE Universe in WrestleMania is such a career-ending defining moment! It's kinda' bittersweet experience as you will stand in awe and respect at the same time, feeling that grieving and painful truth that nothing lasts forever.....
in WWE.

Here are some of the heartbreaking farewells in WrestleMania:

  • Ric Flair (WrestleMania XXIV, Career-Threatening Match v HBK)

  • Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania XXVI, Streak vs Career against The Undertaker)

Just recently, the whole WWE Universe or even the Universe laments for the farewell of WrestleMania's Phenom, The Undertaker, after losing to Roman Reigns. Though still unofficial, it may be perhaps the bell tolled its last for The Deadman. 

  • The Undertaker (WrestleMania 33, No Holds Barred v Roman Reigns)

7. The Pyro 

No question that every great event says goodbye to its audience must end with a fireworks display or pyrotechnics. WrestleMania pyros were meant to celebrate another milestone of the annual cornerstone event. Celebration of consistency, victory, and success is what is purchased in the Showcase of Immortals.

I hope you enjoyed and helped you in my WrestleMania article. Any thoughts to share? To further watch WrestleMania 33 (Orlando, Florida), watch it out on April 3 (Philippine Time) and April 2 (actual date).

That's the next step on water! Walk in Faith! Start the Mission!

Photo / GIF Acknowledgements:
  • https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XB3o4nsMQ-k/maxresdefault.jpg
  • http://livedesignonline.com/site-files/livedesignonline.com/files/archive/blog.livedesignonline.com/briefingroom/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/wwe3.jpg
  • http://a.fssta.com/content/dam/fsdigital/fscom/Buzzer/Images/2014/04/06/undertaker-loses-wrestlemania-30-21-1.vresize.1200.675.high.3.jpg
  • http://wrestlingsuperstore.com/images/products/detail/PW20013.jpg
  • http://d25medu75j19j3.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ys-wwe.gif
  • http://static1.squarespace.com/static/522a2049e4b0a0ce717e990c/t/547bcf8fe4b01e4f655d1e54/1417400231685/
  • https://i.makeagif.com/media/12-13-2015/XjXH5z.gif
  • http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/667142/hbk-vs-undertaker-wm-25-highli-o.gif
  • http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/4819042/brock-lesnar-f-5-john-cena-o.gif
  • http://i.imgur.com/UX6fd.gif
  • http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view7/4624163/undertaker-wrestlemania-29-entrance-o.gif
  • https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/rRmcTeT5ZxotRQ7B9hF352zJx3NrHv1vkhqvcnBxyQ=w1200-h676-no
  • https://media.giphy.com/media/Rfl8TWcggoGpa/giphy.gif
  • http://i.imgur.com/ntKpVlQ.gif
  • http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/article/media_slots/photos/000/802/548/755523759_original.gif?1365393551
  • http://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/assets/4253503/yesyes.gif
  • http://im.hunt.in/cms/oob/l/wwe-1194887.gif
  • https://nickgraffis.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/wpid-wp-1427003854586.gif
  • http://rs285.pbsrc.com/albums/ll43/myknsj/WWE/2qv3v4i.gif~c200
  • http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/2012163/sweet-chin-music-to-undertaker-o.gif
  • http://ilarge.lisimg.com/image/3963110/740full-my-profile.jpg
  • http://images.complex.com/complex/images/c_fill,g_faces,h_164,w_270/fl_lossy,pg_1,q_auto/aemedt1eswk695e1dele/the-undertaker-retirement

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