Mary: Mother of Christ (2017 Message)

December 31, 2016

2017 has come! Alleluia! Another year we have survived and yet, another year to face. But before anything else, I think we have noticed that the very first day is a day of honoring someone dearest to us. A mother that is always near to us and will never leave us. 

Our Blessed Mother Mary!

Behold! It's not just about the Motherhood of Mary which is celebrated in every January 1st. We are also celebrating the World Day of Peace, very timely to be celebrated in the arrival of a new year. 

As we face another year of blessing and life, may we focus ourselves on the things we already have or be contented in life. 2016 has poured upon us so much blessings that even the 366 days of 2016 are not enough with the every grace we have receive. 

Let ourselves be steadfast and faithful to our every calling: Our call to love, to serve, to know, and to reach our highest peaks. The Lord has prepared for us greater heights for us to see His glory and our beauty as His beloved children.

Lastly, let ourselves be in the field of prayer. The world is a spiritual battlefield that we cannot even see our very enemies. May the peace brought by Christ and His dearest Mother be carried out by us throughout the year and even share it to others. 

May the Blessed Mother and His Son bring you everlasting peace!

Have a blessed 2017 ahead!

That's the next step on water. Walk in Faith! Start the Mission!

Acknowledgements (Photos used):


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