Rizal: In the Filipino's Eyes

December 27, 2016

Jose Rizal: Philippine National Hero

Christmas Day maybe over, but still the year is not. On three days time, another Messianic figure, in the persona of Jose Rizal, will be remembered for his holocaust: A sacrifice for eternal freedom and total liberation from the conquistadors of Spain.

He is a messianic figure. Though not the same with Christ's salvific mission, we may still treat him as an 'anointed one', called to save his own people from slavery of colonialism.

Let us see some personas of Rizal that may cause our Filipino blood to boil.

1. The man with plenty brains (Polymath)

Rizal medicating Teodora Alonzo's eyes

Truly a role model for a Filipino. His versatility, resilience, and adaptability in every field makes him one of a kind with the other Filipino heroes. This Filipino polymath was in the degree with the like of Da Vinci (though Da Vinci is one of the greatest). Imagine a Filipino, or in the brighter side, every Filipino living like Da Vinci or Rizal? Philippines could be better now than the way it is now, right? His intelligence just shows that every Filipino is more than willing to learn further and further. Living in a Rizal-like intelligence maybe hectic as f*ck, but I know in the greatest way at least, we have offered our labor for our beloved land.

2. Revolutionary and Nationalistic

A writer of salvific revolution for land's sake

Noli Me Tangere? El Filibusterismo? Oh yes, sounds familiar as always. Rizal's two writings were two of the ever-famous Filipino writings, if were not the greatest. Today, we're cohesively attached to fictional and non-fictional novels that may seem caught our attention for entertainment and learning, but, do we have some time to analyze some historical figures? What I mean is not heroes, places or even dates that made history boring for us. I mean events, stories, and even lines that may caught our attention like with the modern novels? Though some nationalistic lines are already 'sirang plaka' to our ears, may we find ourselves in a humbling posture of looking back to what Rizal's writings and the other heroes' stories and lines before which they said or showed for our land's sake.

3. A man with a rare smile

Rizal (in his pictures) rarely smiles. So this one's unique

OOTDs? Selfies? Groufies? DPs? Headers? Yes, all of them must be photos. Speaking of photos, I know you had all of its kinds like stolen, jumpshot, even formal. In Rizal's case, the formal type is the most evident. So in this sector, we'll talk about his diamond in the rough, rare smile. See him smiling in a photo is really controversial yet amusing. This photo was taken way back to 1880s. The said "Mona Lisa" smile of Rizal appeared because of the beauty and love he felt with Nelly Boustead (Third from right). She also was the reason why Antonio Luna and Rizal almost had a duel before. Rizal and Boustead were nearly married but due to some religious conflicts, the marriage didn't happen. 

Rizal's mysterious smile shows the intense love yet manifested in a modest approach. 

4. The thorn between roses

A womanizer? Just an admirer.

One of the very entertaining fact or personality of Rizal is that he had a lot of women in her life. Not really a womanizer because, in the mere fact, he was not married to any woman he loved. What a tragic love story for Jose Rizal, right? On the other hand, it also makes him colorful as well. Living a life with lots of women doesn't make him awful rather makes him more controversial or even popular. It makes us think why and how did he fall in love with such beautiful women of his time. 

But I'm leaving this question: What if there's someone who loves like Rizal? Imagine yourself having relationships with lots of women simultaneously or sequentially? Think about it.

4. A Man of Mystery (Controversies and issues)

a.) Adolf Hitler is Jose Rizal's son

Rizal's son is Hitler? For the love of God,  please.

I know you're familiar with this controversy. It's better for you to just search the given theories and studies made because it would take me two posts if I had to. Some of the facts were really suspicious and even accurate, thus, making the issue more entertaining. What's the matter if Rizal's son is Hitler? Intelligent? Great speakers and motivators? Nationalistic? Why not right? I am sorry to say this but I just thought that a 'Filipino' had conquered the world or most of the world at once. 

But then again, it's a whole different story now. Hitler can be a hero, but for most of us, he's not. Definitely, he's not. Rizal, on the other hand, is.

b.) The Rizalistas 

He's really a Messiah, just to some other people.

As I said, he's something that came down from Heaven. His beliefs, wit, and charisma can verify or even prove that he got that Messianic promise. Believe it or not, the Rizalistas celebrate and pay respect to Rizal. Disturbing or entertaining as it is, we can't have a doubt that it's somehow, someway true. Some church doctrine were still the same with the Rizalistas, but some were modified and even changed or added that they even don't even celebrate Christmas.

No matter what, it's still in the Faith that counts. Christ, Buddha, Jehovah, Rizal and the others were just guides to the Promised Land.

c.) Jack The Ripper
One of Jack the Ripper's victims

Jack the Ripper - either a childhood fear or a mischievous, mysterious criminal for the older ones - seemed to capture every mind's investigative part in order to know or learn this hideous man. The serial killer haunted London's lights of glory. Darkness covered the brilliance and majesty of the city in each and every gory, merciless, killing. 

Yet for another controversy, Rizal was suspected to be Jack the Ripper? Look at the photo above, have you seen something relevant to Jack the Ripper and Rizal? 

The stitches? Well, stare at it then think about it.

If you wanna learn more of this stories, you can read AMBETH OCAMPO's books, particularly "Rizal's Teeth: Bonifacio's Bones". I hope you'll be interested someway.

5.) Filipino's Calm Hero

 A hero of his own people

As every December 30 commences, a nation is grateful, a land is blessed for someone who, from his conception to his decimation, offered his life for her. The Filipino nation honors one of his greatest heroes, if not the greatest. Rizal already marked the minds and hearts of every Filipino blood that any Filipino who disgraces his own tongue is worse than a fish. The legacy doesn't stop from that line, it starts with it. In every journey, medication, imprisonment, and to his death in Bagumbayan defines every Filipino's life: Life, Adventure, Crisis, and Victory! 

We are the Bagumbayan! We are the new nation that his legacy falls upon. May we find ourselves not just like Rizal, but every Filipino we see everyday around us:

A Life of offering ourselves to: God, Country, and People. 

That's the next step on water! Walk in Faith! Start the Mission!


  • https://joserizalss014.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/rizal-day-enactment-dec-30-62-sf.jpg
  • http://www.self-learner.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/stepping-on-water-e1311069418613.jpg
  • http://www.oldpicz.com/picz/2016/08/Jack-the-Ripper-Murders-1.jpg
  • http://www.juice.ph/cms_images/15815/rizal-adolf-hitler.jpg
  • http://thepoc.net/wp-content/images/stories/buhay_pinoy/RizalistaSagrada5.jpg
  • http://image.slidesharecdn.com/womenofrizal-140731203326-phpapp01/95/women-of-rizal-1-638.jpg?cb=1406838982
  • http://mugstoria.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/image0033.jpg
  • http://www.juice.ph/cms_images/14755/joserizal.jpg
  • https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/Jose_rizal_01.jpg
  • http://newsbytes.icct.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/4-Jose-Rizal-Facts.jpg

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